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This is a podcast brought to you by the Archdiocese of Regina where we attempt to navigate this winding road of faith in Jesus Christ so that we might know him more intimately, love him more profoundly and together serve him more deeply in our daily lives.

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May 9, 2017

This week on Thinking Faith, in keeping with the Marian theme of this Month of May Eric and Brett discuss our Church's Marian Dogmas. We'll look at what the Church has to say about Mary's role as Theotokos (God Bearer), her Immaculate Conception, perpetual virginity and Assumption into heaven all through the lens of a very exciting dialog document produced by the Anglican-Roman Catholic International Commission (ARCIC) seeking common ground on Mary between Anglican's and Catholics. AND if this piques your interest, you can even read ARCIC's "Mary: Grace and Hope in Christ" document for free right here; - and really, what could be better than free things and Mary?

Elaine Pon
seven and a half years ago

What a great start! I can't wait to hear the next one about Mary. Thank you for the link for ARCIC document.