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This is a podcast brought to you by the Archdiocese of Regina where we attempt to navigate this winding road of faith in Jesus Christ so that we might know him more intimately, love him more profoundly and together serve him more deeply in our daily lives.

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This Podcast is distributed under a Creative Commons License.You are free to copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format. With the following restrictions; Attribution "Thinking Faith! A Production of the Archdiocese of Regina:", NonCommercial, No Derivative material. Full Legal License can be found at

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Jan 15, 2019

Over and above all the interesting and inspiring conversations that are had in the hallowed halls of the Pastoral Centre - one topic dominates among our show hosts and anyone they can get to listen. Rock and Roll. Is it possible to make a 'Theology of Rock and Roll' a thing? What kind of thing might that be? And where might this fit in an evangelization strategy? We begin a 4-part series where we might even answer these questions and more while we jam some mad air guitar riffs this week on Thinking Faith!