Aug 30, 2022
We continue our Summer Masterclass on the Eucharist featuring a series of talks previously delivered by Dr. Brett Salkeld for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. This week's episode will conclude the topic of Real Presence and Ecumenical dialogue.
Show Snippet: "There's a misunderstanding that Catholics sometimes have...
Aug 23, 2022
We continue our Summer Masterclass on the Eucharist featuring a series of talks previously delivered by Dr. Brett Salkeld for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. This week's episode will take a deep dive into the topic of Real Presence and Ecumenical dialogue.
Show Snippet: "Part of the story is that...
Aug 16, 2022
We continue our Summer Masterclass on the Eucharist featuring a series of talks previously delivered by Dr. Brett Salkeld for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. This week's episode will take a deep dive into the topic of Transubstantiation.
Show Snippet: "Berengarius was right, theologians agree, to push back on this...
Aug 9, 2022
We continue our Summer Masterclass on the Eucharist featuring a series of talks previously delivered by Dr. Brett Salkeld for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. This week's episode will continues last week's examination of the Eucharist as Real Presence.
Show Snippet: "Calling it real is to say God is acting. Is...
Aug 2, 2022
We continue our Summer Masterclass on the Eucharist featuring a series of talks previously delivered by Dr. Brett Salkeld for the Archdiocese of San Francisco. This week's episode will examine the Eucharist as Real Presence.
Show Snippet: "The New Atheists who think that Christianity is the worst thing that's ever...